
Pollinator Cost-Share & Conservation

2024 will be the Carver Soil and Water Conservation Districts 6th year offering funding to convert landscapes into pollinator habitat. We’ve had some amazing projects planted and each year more people are interested in converting their landscapes into beautiful habitat!

Pollinators provide pollination to over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1,200 crops. That means that 1 out of every three bites of food you eat is there because of pollinators. Pollinators add $217 billion to the global economy and honey bees alone are responsible for between $1.2 and $5.4 billion in agricultural productivity in the United States. In addition to the food that we eat, pollinators support healthy ecosystems that clean the air, stabilize soils, protect us from severe weather, and support other wildlife.


Public Land/Non-profits/Business
  • Minimum of 500 square feet
  • Maximum funding of $5,000
  • Will pay maximum of $1 per square foot
Private Land
  • Minimum of 250 square feet
  • Maximum funding of $2,000
  • Will pay maximum of $1 per square foot
All Landowners
  • Must wait until board approves project
    funding before starting project. Applicants
    will not be reimbursed if they begin before
  • First schedule site visit with CSWCD staff
  • Maximum funding of 75% total project cost
  • Must fill out program application
  • Application does not guarantee approval
  • Have a planting plan (SWCD staff can help with this)
  • Requires 10 year agreement and 10 year maintenance contract
  • Preference is given to turf replacement projects. Fallow field conversions do not qualify
  • No riparian or wetland projects will be funded unless currently turf
  • Up to $20,000 in total funds to be allocated


Primary Contact: Terry Meiller, Resource Conservationist
11360 Highway 212, Suite 6 | Cologne, MN 55322 | Phone: (952) 466-5230

Project Examples

  • Converting turf to pollinator habitat
  • Changing non-native landscape beds to native pollinator habitat beds

What's Reimbursable

  • Professional insullation
  • Seed and Plants
  • Seed bed preparation
  • Equipment rentals (purchased equipment not reimbursable)



  • Steh Ristow with questions or to schedule a consultation site visit
  • 952-466-5264